Saturday, December 1, 2012

Season of Lights

Since buying a pretty serious headlight and a very strong blinkie a month ago, I've been enjoying the heck out of night-time rides for the first time ever. There's always something new in cycling; you just have to dig around. More on that later.

For the non, just a note to say that I used the lights to do a dusk ride tonight after it dusted snow all day. A good day, cleaning house, doing some desk work, a nap, then a trip with Mrs. V to pick out a small Christmas tree at the tree farm half a mile down the road. Then, saddled up the Vaya (but forgot the clip-on fender -- d'oh!) and did some grass, farm field, and road riding, with a bunch of hills thrown in to wake up the legs, which are growing sleepy with winter ponderosity.

I stopped at the most photogenic house in the neighborhood to capture a dusky snapshot as a gift to you, dear reder. Here's a toast to the season of lights -- all kinds of lights.


  1. The Vaya always seems to invigorate. I have been out in the evening as of late too. I can relate to the excitement. Almost like a secret.

  2. Quite right, Scott -- A secret.

  3. I rode a decent number of hours with a 600 lumen night rider plus blinkie this late summer and fall and found it quite fun. To extend time more, I'm looking at a new wheel built up with a Dynohub hub. On the cusps of the fall season I found myself delaying my ride to ensure adequate time at the brightest light level. I've done 30 miles before sunrise with the nite rider but I'd like the insurance that a second, generator powered light would provide. Iumm curious to see if your experience is similar.

  4. NEB, so far, I've mainly been using the light to commute at the end of winter days - sundown by 4:30, as you know. I'll be putting some long miles in come late winter and will probably be doing a review on the light or a night-riding post sometime soon.
