Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Look to This Day

As I said yesterday, I think the Salsa Vaya is my kind of bike. Today, I headed off for some reconn on a small area in the north of Amherst that I'd recently been told hides some short but lovely trails. Indeed they do -- flat, smooth, well-maintained, and scenic. The pleasure the Vaya allowed was riding up there on the road, then nosing off into the woods until I ran out of trail, then turning on to a gravel road and sniffing around for another trail, and so on. I've never seen a bike more perfectly suited to this kind of advenutre.
Scenes from a Tuesday morning well spent:

Memorial stone in Mill River Recreation Area

Mill River riffle

More Mill River trail

Presumably the site of the old mill

I even covered a snippet of the famed Robert Frost Trail (Puffer's Pond on left)

I think the Vaya wanted a souvenir of this lovely jaunt


  1. I would want a souvenir, too, if I had just experiences such a lovely ride!

  2. You would, you will, and you shall have one!

  3. Great ride & writing, as always. I especially enjoyed the verse on the memorial stone. I think I'll have to commit that one to memory.
