Friday, April 15, 2011

To the Ancestral Home of the Sport!

Mrs. V and I are off tomorrow to the land of Coppi and Bartali (and Bianchi and Moser and Giordana and Castelli and...) for a week, so Velophoria will be on hiatus. Send up a prayer to the ancient Tuscan gods that I can get a little two-wheeled time in on those famous strade -- perhaps even the bianche ones, where my dream cycling event takes place every year (WHY can't there be school vacation in October??? Or an Eroica in April???).

Day after we return, I stop by the LBS to pick up the Vaya! One great way to soften the return from an amazing vacation.

Ciao, amici!


  1. Been missing you1 Have a great trip!

  2. Thanks, J! Hope you have seen all my posts in the last couple months...

  3. Greetings!

    We recently added an RSS feed of Velophoria to Pioneer Valley Local Greenie's blog roll. We have also selected your blog for our list of recommended blogs in the Valley.

    Our site:

    Blog List:

    Enjoy your trip!
