Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Inside my Cornucopia

For my great marriage, first and foremost. For better health than this time last year, and a rockin’ fast bike I didn’t have a year ago.

For stepping out to go to work and smelling trees and earth and air – not cement.

For a new gym membership, giving me something besides <> rollers to use for workouts during the winter. And for the terrific new feeling of cross-trained fitness.

Countless long rides in one of the most beautiful places in the country. And my big-climbing metrics this year, the furthest and highest I’ve ridden since the early ‘80s. And especially for the prospect of my first century ever next year.

For a greater acceptance of my puzzling new health limits since I reached my mid-40s.

For the first job in my fairly seasoned life in which my reservations are outweighed by my appreciation.

For this changeable, puzzling, thrilling thing they call Life.


  1. Really enjoyed this post. Great perspective!

  2. Thanks, SOC -- hope your holiday was warm and peaceful.

    I forgot to also give thanks for my trusty Giant OCR, which lets me ride in sketchy weather or on rougher terrain.
