Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Private, Absolutely Rigorous World

There is an interesting distinction to be made between individual play and team play; the former involves a complex psychological and physical encounter between a person and time obstacle or competitor. It is a defined encounter with epic implications. (Such athletes are) perhaps the quintesential heroes, because they operate in a private, absolutely rigorous world, where there are no excuses, and a person's triumph or loss is his or her own, not his team's.... The outcome is total--one man won, the other man lost.

~ Lionel Tiger, Men in Groups


  1. Great photo (one of my faves) and a perfectly complementary quote!

  2. Thanks once again, SoC. I had that photo as my icon for my screen ID on BikeForums for a while -- I just love it. That man is living LARGE right at that moment.
